Find a musical reason to improve the technique
Being told to play louder or softer is okay. Being told why is better.

Going beyond the notes: Conducting with Expression
Want to go from being a human metronome to embodying all the emotions in the music? We need to know the music, and know ourselves.
Learning Conducting from the Inside Out - Part 1: How & What To Observe
Improve your conducting while sitting in the ensemble as a player or singer? You bet you can! Here's how...
What's holding you back? How one conducting lesson changed my life
What happens when you decide to ask a life-long hero for a conducting lesson on Zoom during a pandemic? Here's the story of how I met Benjamin Zander...

Conducting Success in 2020: How to ditch old conducting habits, and make new ones
Do you have a bad conducting habit that's been annoying you for a long time? That thing that you remember once for 3 seconds when you're on the podium, then then next time you think of it is an hour later? Here's how to solve that problem, for good.